Thursday, July 22, 2010

on the weather...

It is hot.  It's like crazy hot.  You know, the kind of hot where it's too hot to go fishing because all the fish are trying to find the cool spot in the lake because even they are saying "IT'S TOO DAMN HOT!"  Poor little monster has been stuck at the house because the only time it's cool enough to go outside is about 4 hours after we go to bed.  She seems content though to go out with us on our smoke breaks and does her little lap around the yard.  Sometimes she doesn't quite make it all the way around before plopping down in a spot of shade and stretching out.  We can't wait for the weather to get decent enough to go out wandering again.  I'm glad pets have short term memories.  If she didn't she would hate going out because of the hour or more after we get home she gets picked at to make sure she's not got ticks or other creepy crawlies.  Ah well, the things we do for love.  C'est la vi or something like that.


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