Monday, July 12, 2010

on pet names...

so i was presented with a rather perplexing question. what are your pet names for each other. for a brief moment the minions of hell considered getting ice skates as i was speechless. i had no idea. then i started to think about it. then i started to get a little depressed. then i started to get a little irritated as i asked darling husband o' mine what his pet name for me was. his response was "what do you mean?" so i said "you know, something special you call me, like a nickname." his response was "oh, you mean like 'boo boo kitty f@#k'?" and all i could respond was "yeah, something like that." (sad thing was when Mom presented this question to me that was one of my responses to her) he then of coarse wants to know why i'm asking this (just in case it can be used against him at an undisclosed time or place. i told him because Mom is working on some scrapbook pages for us. he was like "oh, well i'm bubba and you're twinkie" bubba is rather self explanatory so i'll proceed. twinkie=yellow on the outside, white on the inside. and i do actually kinda like it. so i do what i usually do in situations like that and start thinking about it, a lot. then i realize i interchange the names for the pets all the time. they all share nicknames since i sometimes forget who it is i am talking to. nugget, fuzzy butt, mommy's little monster, sweet kitty (hubby says i'll end up giving the poor dog an identity complex if i keep using that one on her). then i realized i do it with people's names too. it's a curse that seems to affect my mother-in-laws side of the family. i can remember sitting with my grand-mother-in-law telling me about so and so then it gets to a point where i think wait a minute, aunt so and so is retired...oh...she's talking about what's her name. got it. i was called every female name in the family, including on one occasion, someone's ex-wife. it took me about 2 years before i could go without a translator (hubby has a rather large extended family). the only time i would get really confused is when i thought i knew who she was talking about but then she would call them by my name. now where was i? oh yeah, so after a day i rolled a few around in the old brain pan thought i would come home and try some out. after all, what could it hurt? i started with the tried and trues first. you can never go wrong with movie quotes with hubby. "so how about 'huckleberry'?" i ask. "" ok, scene two. "lovey man?" "ahhh, nah." hmmm, getting tough here. all i was left with was daisy and somehow felt it wouldn't be well received. now it's become a mission. he was less enthusiastic than i hoped but not outright obstinate so there's always hope. he later presented "how about 'potsticker'?" that too i rather like. so back to the etch-o-sketch that is my mind. i guess this will just be a spaghetti test-throw some at the wall and see what sticks.


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