Thursday, July 29, 2010

'maters...week 6

ahhhhhh...they live!!!  there has to be at least a dozen right now between the two plants.  i am sooo excites.  hopefully they'll all make it to harvest.  i'm still shocked they've made it this long.  i'm having to water at least twice a day.  oh and on a side note, the earlier picture where the one is sliced up on a plate, that was a saucer.  it's amazing how you can make things look bigger with the macro setting lol.  right now the biggest one is a little smaller than your average apricot.  with my confidence building i think i really might try to for heirlooms next year.  i've seen these ones that have a purplish tint to them and ooooo i do love me some purple.  i'll have to get some pics of the boat too.  poor hubby got poison ivy or sumac or oak while he was cleaning it out.  i am still excited though.  can't wait till we get it in shape to put in the water.  won't take much and he got a super good deal on it.  well, it's getting dark and i'm still not caught up on my sleep.  so night night for now :)


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