Sunday, July 18, 2010

'maters...week 4 and 3/7ths

joy joy joy. the first tomato. to pick, not to pick, should i leave it just one more day? the suspense was killing me. finally as hubby was helping me right the plants back up (they had taken a little tumble after the rain) he said "might want to pick that one now". so here it is. a little salt, a little fresh cracked pepper and viola! quite tasty.  i think they are big toms. we then had one of the neighbor's tomatoes that she had so graciously shared with us. it was sweeter than ours.  i rather enjoyed it as well. so now that i have some confidence, perhaps next year we shall try our hand at some heirlooms! it will probably take me now until planting time to decide which ones to go with.  who knows, maybe we'll have our own yard by then too.  ah, to dream a little dream.


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