Sunday, July 18, 2010

on chili...

so today has been one of those days.  i'm bounce between manic and wore slap out.  so finished the roman shade for the guest room.  hubby made his chili, mmmmm mmm good.  been playing with the macro feature on the camera and think i'm getting the hang of it.  also playing wit the "rule of thirds".  i'm getting a better idea on what i want to do with this blog so things may change some.  i need to get my graphics programs installed on this computer so i can get back in to that.  i'm kind of suffering from inspiration overload.  i've got several hundred great ideas in my head.  the problem though is trying to get them out and actually doing one of them.  i think i'm going to play with my camera some more.  i enjoyed photography when i was in high school.  actually went through the whole learning to develop film and everything.  so lets see where this takes us.  right now i've got a full belly and am listening to south park that hubby is watching.  i really don't want to go to work /sigh.  gotta pay the mortgage, and the rent, and the car payment, and the utility bills and my yarn habit, and fabric habit, and pet habit, and eating habit, and...


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