Thursday, July 1, 2010

'maters...week 2

looks like they have managed to survive yet another week of my care. hearty little buggers. even got a couple of new buds starting YAY! we might have something to eat by september woohoo! they still look just pitiful compared to my neighbor's batches. they're already weighed down with at least a dozen or so per plant. ahhhh, but thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's 'maters. nor shall i count my chickens before they even get laid. thank you mom for all the suggestions :) i'm sure they would be ant food by now if i hadn't followed your advice. so tune in next week for more 'mater madness! same damn blog, same damn time. (unless i forget, which is highly probable. so likely the bookies wouldn't give you very good odds at all)


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