on my pets...

the names have been changed to protect the guilty

name:      "my cat"
a.k.a.:      fuzzy butt, nugget, dammit, whats-yer-name

height:     as far as he can stretch
weight:     more than hubby's bowling ball
likes:        food, belly rubs, food, a fresh litter box, food,     people that give him food, fuzzy blankies
dislikes:   an empty food dish, closed doors
hobbies:   head-butting for food, head-butting for attention

name:       "his cat"
a.k.a.:       V.C., tweet kitty, rotten little monster, who-r-you
height:       petite
weight:      less than my bowling ball
likes:         varies on the phases of the moon, some people-some of the time
dislikes:     most people-most of the time, not being the center of attention, getting her picture made
hobbies:     finding the most inconvenient place to be at the worst possible time

name:     "our dog"
a.k.a.:     sir didymus, mommy's sweet kitty, yer-damn-dog
height:    in her mind, a baby giraffe
weight:   smaller than the little cat
likes:      rearranging pillows, meeting new people, road trips
dislikes:  anyone going out the front door