Tuesday, July 20, 2010

on beans...

we seem to have inadvertently gotten on to a bean kick lately.  on the menu tonight, pinto beans and rice.  i have to admit, had it not been for my dear husband i would have never been introduced to this simple southern staple.  i will have to tell you the story of the first time he made this for me.  alas, tonight i am a bit tired so we'll get back to it.  today's dinner though was a tad salty for my taste.  i think next time i will go with my instincts and only use half of the chunk of streak-o-lean instead of the whole thing.  had it not been for the rice i wouldn't have been able to eat it at all.  still playing with my camera (and my food according to hubby).  now he just shakes his head and goes about fixing his meal while i hurry to get outside to get my pictures.  i think i need to find a more interesting background.  being where i am it makes it hard to wander around with your dinner and a camera in hand and not get funny looks.


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