Thursday, August 26, 2010

on inspiration...

as i sit here, unable to sleep, my mind begins to wander.  i think about my life, love, and chocolate cake.  between the bouts of senseless crying i would things be different if...

i truly am inspired by Mom's blog.  i love her writing style.  i am also truly inspired by my dear friend Tigger's blog.  honest and committed.  they help me remember how things have been, of how i used to be.  i miss that me.  the one that would fearlessly wear whatever i felt like, dye my hair 3 shades of purple, get my tongue pierced for no other reason than i wanted to.  where is that me?  i know she's somewhere out there, i mean really, she's way out there.  i'm pretty sure she's crazy.  she'd have to be to do some of the things she did.  i guess i should check up on her, see if she's doing alright.  maybe invite her back for a visit.  who knows, if things work out she might decide to stay a while.  wouldn't that be...interesting.  i hope she remembers me.  who knows, she might not even like me now.  i know i'd be pissed if i was her.  never writes, never calls.  time to suck it up and just go.  can't be any worse than riding a roller coaster...can it?

ok me, get ready, because here i come!


sianee said...

remember your song i'm not crazy i'm just a little unwell. ..... but soon you'll see a diffrent me. I forgot some of the words sorry.

Sew Knot Normal said...

i remember the first time we heard that song driving around to...God only knows where and us both saying THAT'S YOU'RE/MY song! Next time ya'll move i cordially request it be somewhere i can drive to...and don't need a passport...or have to get shots...

sianee said...

you dont need passport or shots to come here lol but you can't drive here. Miss you.

Sew Knot Normal said...

sianee said...

If your comming where are you? I haven't seen korean air arriving yet lol. Miss you sis. Wish you could come visit.

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