Tuesday, August 24, 2010

on misery...

so here i am.  i need to stay up for at least another hour to take my meds.  just read the letter from the GI specialist and turns out with all the other issues i also have a fatty liver, common in the southeast (wonder if that's a racial thing).  she recommends losing weight, low fat diet and vitamin e to prevent liver scaring.  yay.  well, it won't hurt eating healthier.  right now the losing weight is easy enough since nothing tastes good and i've lost my appetite.  seems like a perfect excuse for trying something new.  since i've been stuck at home i've been taking advantage of the netflix subscription.  i'm a nut for david attenborough nature documentaries.  i love the bbc release of the planet earth series that he narrates.  argh, his cat is demanding attention as i'm trying to type.  having to backspace every other word after she walks across the keyboard.  i'm horrible company when i don't feel well.  i whine and moan and play poor-pitiful me.  when i'm really sick i'm the total opposite of my usual chattery self.  hubby gets worried when i don't feel like talking.  so i guess i'm just posting for the sake of posting.  i haven't really felt well enough to work on anything much.  i miss me.  i've been trying to keep myself occupied and in a better state of mind by crocheting.  i got a couple of hats done that i'll post pics of.  i keep playing some of my "feel good" movies.  i don't know why but sister act is one of those that makes me happy.  that and legally blonde.  which i would have never watched had it not been for hubby getting it a few years back.  so here i am still.  applying the force of positive thinking is harder to do when you're feeling so lousy.  i am going to feel better.  i will feel better.  i am going to feel better.  i will feel better.  wet, lather, rinse, repeat.  wonder if those people that are afflicted with severe short term memory loss go through more shampoo than normal...


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