Saturday, August 21, 2010

on left overs...

so a little bit of this and a little bit of that and viola!  homemade ham mac 'n cheese casserole.  had the penne leftover from a couple of nights ago (thank goodness because there was no other pasta like substance in the house) and the ham from the night before.  the recipe went kinda like this:

Melt a pat and a half of butter in a saucepan on medium heat then add about a tablespoon and a half of flour.  Whisk well and cook for about a minute (which i then started cutting up the ham and lost track of time...).  Wash out the pot and put what's left of the stick of butter, about a pat and a half in the sauce pan, melt it then add about one and half tablespoons of flour.  Whisk well and this time keep an eye on it for a minute so it doesn't burn.  Add about a cup and a half of milk.  Whisk some more.  Chunk up some left over ham, make sure to keep all the tough parts out.  Hurry back to the sauce pan, and add a splash more milk because the beshamel is a little to thick.  Add about 6 handfuls of whatever shredded cheese was in the fridge (mmm Mexi-mix).  Stir some more.  Add another splash of milk because it's looking a little too thick.  Add in the ham and stir it up good.  Pour what little of the milk is left and add a couple of palm fulls of the cheddar cheese you just found under a bag of salad greens.  Now you should have been tasting it every now and then along the way.  If it still needs a little salt after the ham sprinkle a little Tony's on it (the green can with the funny looking cartoon guy on it).  Mix it all up.  Add the left over penne and hope you can still stir it without dumping everything out of the saucepan.  Get out one of the square casserole dishes.  I think this one was the 9x9.  Spray it down with cooking spray.  Pour out all the goodies in to the casserole dish then sprinkle two or four handfuls of cheddar cheese on the top.  Then sprinkle three to four handfuls of Panko bread crumbs (make sure to check that they aren't stale first since i have no idea when i would have bought Panko bread crumbs).  Very lightly sprinkle a little more Tony's on top.  Then carry it over to the sink and spray the top lightly with the cooking spray (this will help it brown and get good and crispy).  Pop it in the oven that you had preheated (or forgot to turn off from earlier) to 350 degrees F.  Let it be for about 10 minutes then check on it.  If the top isn't browning yet close the door and go back to the computer.  Wait for hubby (or someone else) to ask you "Didn't the timer go off already?" and go running back in to the kitchen and check it again.  If the top is nice and golden brown and you can see the cheese bubbling around the edges take it out and let it set a few minutes before serving.  Scoop it out in to or on to your receptacle of choice and enjoy.


sianee said...

what if hubby isn't home to tell you to check it?

Sew Knot Normal said...

that would definitely pose a problem...maybe a neighbor with a beard? Sianee should be of some help :) i've found if the fire department shows up it might be a tad over cooked ;)

Yvonne said...

I trust this tastes better (sorry) than it looks. It needs some eye candy, perhaps some sprigs of parsley, celery, or some m&m's sprinkled around the edges. Love u.

Sew Knot Normal said...

herbs are on the list for next year's garden :) i saw this funky planter thing in a neighbors yard and i want it! need to get a pic of it without them thinking i'm some looney out to steal their pots...

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