Sunday, August 1, 2010

more on the weather...

ok this is just ridiculous.  keep in mind the external sensor is on the the shade.  my poor 'maters are wilting like crazy.  what little rain we did get just made it muggier.  the dehumidifier is on overdrive.  the cats don't even want to sit n the window.  worst of all it's too dang hot to go fishing!!!  it seems like the summer went from brrrr to melting the ice caps.  before ya know it the month will be gone.  feels like forever since we've had a nice day.  ugh, it even feels like it's getting too hot inside.  the only relief if when we go outside for more than 2 minutes and come back in.  well...i think i'm going to so take an ice bath.  no telling what the temp is now out there.  i bet they're all sold out of those little kiddy pools too.  darn it.


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