Thursday, January 6, 2011

on the advantages of being an adult...part 2


Somewhere back when I was but a wee lass I developed a need to find things that made doing other things easier.  Ok may I was very wee or not quite a lass but deep inside me I knew there had to be something out there that made whatever I was doing easier (aside from getting someone else to do it for you that is, though sometimes it takes far more effort to get them to do it than the task itself).

After spending the last 4 months or so researching phone reviews and estimating total costs for phone, data packages and any other doo dads required to use, maintain and enjoy a new cell phone I settled on the Droid X.

(Cue the bright light and choir.........)

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!  Almost as much as a basket full of kittens, or yarn, or a bucket of pistachio ice cream.  App this app that app app app app to my hearts content.  There are probably apps out there I had not even begun to conceive the need for.  So since I can put a picture of a basket of kittens on there and browse endless supplies of yarn and even sort my craft projects it can't replace a bucket of pistachio ice cream.  Maybe a cone of it, or that little sample spoon some places will give you.

The only bad thing so far is my work schedule is seriously interfering with my ability to master this new piece of technology.  How can I ever be expected to find everything I need to make my every day tasks easier when I'm expected to show up on time and do things for other people?!?!  I am only human.  Sure I can do several things at once.  Some of them very well actually, but those are things I LOVE.

So on that I bid adieu before I get all worked up about work.  I've got to finish figuring out how to get clip art on my phone and upload it to this thing.  Muwahahahahaha!


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