Monday, December 13, 2010

on this friggin' cold!

Every emergency supply kit should contain these two items.  And something to heat water in and with, so now we're at four items.  Oh, and something to mix it in.  Hmmmm, getting a little crowded.  I guess ALL those twinkies aren't necessary.  HA Bumhug.  If you drink enough of 'em to keep warm I don't think the rest matters.

On a more serious note, I'm fairly certain I am not descended from Eskimos, or Vikings, or penguins.  I will never pick a fight with a girl that grew up in Montana, or Iowa, or any of those states they show where all you see is the antenna of the car poking out of the snow.  I will forever be thankful for central heating.  I will not complain about how frockingly ridiculously cold it is when I am starting my car (at least it started).  At stop signs, I will always come to a complete stop...eventually.  Aaaaannnnd so on and so forth.

So it snowed!  Much to hubby's observation of this I felt it absolutely necessary to run around the house first peeking out the front door then checking out the back door and squealing at a very unreasonable pitch "SNNNEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHW!"  As the temperature failed to rise I was the only one maintaining the level of enthusiasm required for these situations.  I think the poor dog thought she was being punished since the high pitched noises were similar to the sound her bark collar would make.

After about 4 hours my hopes were rolling downhill since there was nothing visible in the yard.  Mom sent me a picture from her house and it had already started to gather around the edges of everything.  I went on the internet and proceeded to check every webcam available within a 2 hour drive to see which looked to be the most promising direction to head.

Mom-in-law's house seemed to be the most promising but it required us to drive "over a mountain".  Hubby assured me this would mean utter and certain death for us.  After that didn't sway me he reminded me who would feed the animals if we got stuck.  So back to mope I went.


But of I have to go to bed so I can get up extra early to fight through the treacherous conditions to get to work on time.  Also that way I can ask dear-darling-love-o-mine to start my car for me.  Then I heard hubby on the phone with someone.  I heard the trailings of "...ok sure.  See you about 9 then."

ME:  "So...when are you leaving for work?"

HUBBY: "I guess around 8:30ish or so.  Give the sun time to melt some of this off."

ME:  "Ah...that sounds good.  I'll just leave with you."  plot rolling around thickening as I plan to run from the warm inner sanctum of our living room out to my nice toasty car swept clean of snow.

HUBBY: "Hey, don't forget to turn your alarm off."

ME: "Hokey pokey!"  YAY!!!!  Sleeping in, getting my car started for me, I'll have an extra ten minutes at least to just...MAKE COFFEE!!!  I'll have time to make myself coffee, BEFORE work! then maybe I won't be so mean and cranky...

HUBBY: "You coming to bed?"

ME: "Yeah, in a little bit.  Just wanna read Mom's blog."

..........approximately 1.5 hours later I finished watching James and the Giant Peach.  Then took the dog out.  Then came back in and flipped through Netflix (AAAWWWWWHHHHHHH! or whatever that sound is when the light flashes on and the choir does that thing).  Then sometime after 1:30 am-ish I crawl in to bed.  Happy with the thought of the warm toastyness that awaited me after the sun rose.

"message...message..Message..MESSAGE.MESSAGEMESSAGEMESSAGEMESSAGE! AHHHHHHH! message."  Hubby has a really annoying message alert.  WTF!  I grab for my phone - 6:33 AM!!!  I reach again for something sharp and pokey.  Someone needs to be stabbed.  Hubby grunts and rolls out of bed.  Which apparently causes a Pavlovian type response in me to yell several obscenities then immediately roll over, pull the covers up and go right back to sleep.  Having recently been made aware this is why I no longer get my good morning kiss I bit my tongue and buried my hands under my pillow.  I have also been known to throw things.  That is why I'm no longer allowed to keep stuffed animals on the bed.  Especially ones with large, hard plastic eyes...not that it's creepy for a married, 33 year old woman to keep stuffed animals on the bed.  Ok that time I was home alone after my gall bladder surgery and I rolled over on the hug and talk Eeyore my friend got me and this Sam Elliot like voice says, "Thanks for the hug."  This causes me to yelp slightly because A. there should be no man in my house.  About 2 minutes later I hear, "I could sure use another one of those."  B. I might have been under the influence of the pain medication they sent me home on. So I screamed some.  To my surprise and later fear, no one called the cops.  Ah, but I digress.

Back to this morning.  So I roll over and see hubby had not come back to bed.  I got up and plodded my way to the living room. hubby.  I peek out the window.  GAH!!! No hubby!  His work van was gone!  So needless to say, all that careful plotting and planning went to waste.  And I was late for work.  Instead of making coffee this morning i cleaned up a nice little surprise that I'm pretty sure wasn't from Santa.  Oh well.  There's always tomorrow.


Yvonne said...

Wow! Love your blog look, but it seems a little too tame for the likes of someone as colorful as you. Five hours wonder bedtime is early tonight, LOL.

sianee said...

Frosty left you the presant eyore lol. About time you wrote. hehe. Miss you sis hugs.

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