Saturday, September 25, 2010

on the advantages of being an adult...part 1

Some time ago Mom and I had gone out to dinner, I don't recall where, and I sat staring blankly at the menu.  After watching several trays of food go by I still couldn't decide what I wanted.  Then I saw a dessert tray go by.  I got excited.  I quickly flipped to the section of the menu that listed the desserts.  I know the drool had to be obvious.  I picked what I wanted then flipped back to the regular menu to find something small to have before my dessert.  I still couldn't find anything that appealed to me.  After flipping back and forth and having the server come back twice Mom asked me what I was trying to decide from.  I told her all I really wanted was the dessert and nothing else looked real good.  She then said three words that I will never forget, "So order dessert."

O.o  "I CAN DO THAT!?!?!"  And in the most matter-of-fact, non-mocking tone she replies, "Of coarse!  It's one of the advantages of being an adult."

Those three little words have stayed with me and served me well over the years.  I feel it's an homage to the many years of not listening the the advice of those more experienced and wiser than myself.  It's a declaration to the world that I am an adult and I will not bow down to the constraints of social norms.  It's an exercise of free will.  As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure it's in the constitution, in the very small print, on the back side, just off to the edge.

So, after a more grueling than normal week hubby takes me out to dinner to Carrabba's.  We do our usual look over the menu and do our version of Abbott and Costello "Do you want an appetizer?"  "Well, do YOU want an appetizer?"  "How hungry are you?"  etc.  So as always, I'm debating over which dessert to enjoy.  I tend to worry the tiramsu is from a large sheet that is thawing in the refrigerator next to the peeled garlic and sliced onions so I decide to go with the limoncello bread pudding.  Just below the description it says "Be sure to order early since this takes 20 minutes to make!"  Ooo promising.  Enter waiter, stage left.

ME: I'd like the limoncello bread pudding.

WAITER: Ah, good choice ma'am.  And for-

ME: I'd like that for my dinner please.

WAITER: (slightly nervous laugh)  Um...ok then!  Excellent choice!  I'll be sure to put that in to come out with the entrĂ©e.  (slightly less nervous laugh but a rather obvious "she's either crazy or pregnant" smile)

Hubby had the lobster ravioli.  He did enjoy that.  Between the 2 orders of bread, side salad and calamari appetizer it was just enough to leave room for him to try a few bites of my "dinner".  Sadly mine was a little disappointing. I had hoped for a little more lemony flavor.  It will NOT be making my list of "things I would gladly cause bodily harm to another in order to have/do" list.  I won't even begin to compare it to the decadent, slap yo' mama, make a puppy pull a freight train backwards, zabaglione at Mom and my's favorite Italian restaurant (pictures to come soon).

So, the moral of the story?  Know what it is you really, truly want, then go for it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

on labels...

Labels are inherently useful things.  They clearly identify something as what it is, or contains, or what you should or should not do with it.  I find warning labels to be extremely helpful.  Sitting here thinking on what I wanted to do with this topic I came up with this:

Actual warning labels that could apply to me.

  • Contents under pressure.  Do not agitate!  Do not puncture or incinerate!
  • Do not leave unattended when lit.
  • Due to it's nature, contents can vary in color, texture and over all appearance.
  • Use by more than one person can greatly raise the risk of spreading infection.
  • Prolonged exposure can cause irritation.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

on indecision...

So begins a new chapter in the story that is me.  I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.  Mostly because I've been too tired to be doing other things.  So very, very, very tired.  Not sure if it's the meds or just plain boredom.  Probably a combination of both.

I began this blog with a clear cut direction, unhindered by the weeds of doubt and obstacles of indecision.  I knew where I was going with this.  It was my horse dammit and I'm leading it to water.  Now as I look about I see the horse is actually a donkey and there is no stream in sight.  So where do I go now?

Oh look...something shiny...just over there...beyond that hill, under the bushes...sort of to the right of...what the heck is that?!?!?!

When in doubt, return to where you started.  If you lose something, stop, think, retrace your steps.  The problem is I have no idea where I started.  Perhaps I could send out a smoke signal, call in the Marines.  At this point I think being air lifted out and simply starting fresh somewhere new would be the right answer.  That would be like giving up, admitting I failed.  Taking a harder look I see that donkey is just a reflection in the pond I've been sitting at for quite some time.  Time to get my ass in gear!  As my nanny said, "Do something, even if it's wrong."

I still don't know where I want to go.  Perhaps retracing my steps at this point might not be a bad idea, go down some of those old paths that lay long forgotten.  Step back, take a look, evaluate the situation, pick a direction and GO!