Monday, October 4, 2010

on my head...

As the wisps of breath escape my mouth I can see them.  What happened to autumn?!?  Just last week it was in the 90's and now it feels like it's time to break out the thermals and hunting socks.  One good thing though, it's cool enough to start wearing hats.  And thanks to having such a small head I'm able to wear most anything...even kids sizes :)

Charlotte graciously poses

I was so torn between this one and the penguin.  My rationale was the penguin would go with more since it was black and white.  Then again, if I were truly worried about coordinating my outfits I wouldn't have been looking at this to start with.  So in the end purple won out.  I like hat.


sianee said...

Is that what i was asked about otherday on the phone? LOL. miss you sis.

sianee said...

ok i swear i posted something else yesterday but it must not have taken it so here it is :
Rabbit season
rabbit season
ok Duck season..........RABBIT Season
Bang lol

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