Wednesday, June 30, 2010

on pets...

i've come to realize my cat has me pretty well trained. if he decides it's time to get up and insert food into his bowl he gingerly walks across the bed and stretches his little paw out and gently taps me on some unexposed portion of skin (he has some aversion to touching bare human skin with his paw). if this doesn't work he will circle around and try tapping on another area and follow it up with a little meow. that usually results in me rolling over and pulling the covers up higher. so in a final attempt to get what he wants he will bear down and find the one piece of nekidness and press his cold wet nose against it. if by chance this too fails he calls for reinforcements. then with him meowing and her pacing back and forth across my head they pretty much know i'm going to get up and feed them if only to crawl back in bed for five more minutes before the alarm goes off and i have to get up. on one particular morning that for reasons only know to theoretical physicists and midnight info-mercial psychics i was awake enough to witness an event that really made me wonder who owns who. the little of the two monsters had crawled up on to hubby's chest and was staring quite intently at him. she carefully reaches out and just barely grabs the edge of the nose piece for his c-pap mask and tugs. it's enough to shift it out of his nose causing the air to blow up the side of his face. like normal he unconsciously reaches up and readjusts it. she waits a minute then does it again, but this time a little harder. so again he reaches up, still asleep and pushes it back in to place. third time being the charm she grabs it and pulls hard enough that it snaps back on him. she bolts just in time to miss a hand flying across his face and a "WTF!" i couldn't stop laughing (which i then realized i had probably woken up because i had to pee really really bad). after awhile i finally convinced him it wasn't me but the cat that had pulled on his mask. it wasn't until about a week later that she tried it again that he realized i had been telling the truth. so who owns who? that my friend is the real question.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

on tomatoes...

so this is my first attempt at growing tomatoes. these were bought about a week ago and transplanted from the original pots in to the planters i found in the back yard of the house i'm renting. yay to half off cuz it's so darn late to be planting anything sale. got some cheap potting soil, some "mater magic" and poof here we are. ended up with not having enough soil so added compost to help make up the rest. threw some miracle grow on them a couple of days later. so far they are still alive. coming from the person that has killed bamboo i think it says a lot...

on starting something... i am. it feels kind of weird, being out here on the world wide web after spending so many years of carefully tip toeing about to be sure there was no way to find me. being paranoid does have its advantages though. it's never a surprise when you find out there really is someone out to get you, just a mild disappointment when there's not. so here's to starting something.

-you're damned if you do. you're damned if you don't. DAMN IT!